Custom Royal Countertops and Tile LLC

Tile Installation

Common Tile Installation Mistakes

Tile installation projects are a great means of revamping the aesthetics of your homes when undertaking a remodeling venture. It’s crucial to ensure you go about this project in the right manner, however, when looking to ensure quality results. Some of the common Tile installation mistakes made by many people undertaking such a project for the first time include:

Undertaking a DIY Approach

Some people assume that tile installation simply involves laying the tiles spreading adhesive over the surface and laying the tiles in order. As such, they think that this is a project they can take on themselves with no professional help. This isn’t true, however, and it’s crucial to hire a professional if you want the job done right.

Choosing the Wrong Material

Tiles are available in a variety of materials, but not every option represents a one-size-fits-all approach. Wooden tiles, for example, should only be installed in areas that are suitably dry and not regularly exposed to high levels of moisture.

Failure to Account for the Settling Period

Many people forget that the job is not completely over until the tile has been given adequate time to settle. This is an essential aspect to consider when dealing with flooring tiles. Most tiles have a general settling-in period of 12 to 24 hours. If you’re seeking quality tile installation services, call us today! Custom Royal Countertops and Tile, your preferred contractor!

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