Maintaining Your Wooden Tiles

A wooden floor is a great highlight in any home. It’s essential to properly maintain this feature, however, if you’re to maintain its functionality. This is not a hard objective to accomplish, however, and all you need is a little dedication.

Clean up Spill Immediately

Clean up any spills as soon as possible to prevent moisture from penetrating the floor. Also, try to keep the humidity level in your home low and ban wet shoes from the house. It doesn’t take a lot of water to instigate damage so one must remain vigilant.

Use Furniture Pads

Another thing that can easily ruin wooden floors is scratches that may occur when you drag furniture from one place to another. To prevent this, you can invest in furniture pads that you can put under the legs of your tables, stools, and chairs.

Vacuuming at least Once a Week

This is to pick up on any small dust particles and dirt you may have missed when sweeping. This way, you can be able to prevent any scratching that may occur from scuffing feet and might even prevent allergic reactions for those sensitive to elements such as dust and pollen.

Refinish the Floor Every 3 to 5 Years

Natural wood flooring is bound to show signs of aging after a few years, so schedule a refinishing every 2 or 3 years, depending on the traffic in your home and the age of the wood. For the best wood flooring remodeling services, call us today! Custom Royal Countertops and Tile, your preferred contractor!…

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